Joint Business with Commercial Brokers
„ASP welcomes and promotes joint business transactions with professional,
reliable brokers and intermediaries
ASP Global Hotel Brokers & Luxury Properties currently has around 725 hotels, 80 palaces and castles, 120 luxury properties and around 40 leisure properties (ski resorts, golf courses, spas, marinas, recreational parks) exclusively available for sale. More than 90% of the properties we have on offer are marketed exclusively by Auer, Springer & Partner.
A.) Commission brokerage
Are you an accredited professional property broker/asset manager and know of a reputable owner, bank, insurance company, or funds that would be interested in selling a hotel, leisure property, stately home/castle/palace, or other leisure property with ASP Global Hotel Brokers & Luxury Properties ?
We may be well-positioned on the market, have contact to many hoteliers, banks, insurance providers, private trusts, investors, funds and restaurateurs, possess an extensive international network, international buying channels und methods to find suitable properties, but we cannot possibly know of every prospective seller with an appealing and suitable property. If you know of someone – refer them to us!
We will conclude a contract guaranteeing you a percentage of our net commission in the event that we are able to sell the property successfully. You will receive your share as soon as we have received the commission ourselves.
B.) Joint business transactions with commercial property brokers / hotel brokers
It goes without saying that we are open to working with and welcome cooperation with reputable and professional brokers and intermediaries. In a world where everything is interconnected this is a successful business model and will continue to be so in the future. When it comes to working with ASP AG on joint business transactions a number of basic rules applies, to which there are no exceptions (so please do not ask):
- You must be a property broker in possession of all necessary licences, an active licence for trading, and a valid tax ID no. / VAT ID no. for your country.
- You must conclude a customer and source protection contract with ASPI AG, which serves to protect both your property and ASP’s customers and prospective buyers.
- You must have an exclusive right to market/sell the property in question for at least the next 8 months or the owner must grant this right to ASP directly.
- For all joint business transactions where you have introduced the seller to us, once a buyer has been found the broker’s commission will be shared equally between both parties.
- We like to work on a level playing field and lay all our cards on the table - we expect the same from each of our business partners and their customers. If you or your customer are not willing to work in this manner please do not contact us, it is simply a waste of time.
- If you provide us with hotel properties, leisure properties, palaces or other properties then you are fully liable for presenting a sales authorisation issued by the owner, an agreement about the level of broker’s commission to be paid in the case of a successful sale, as well as ensuring the property/project is available until the end of the contracted period.
- If at any point during the preparations for sale /collation of documents it turns out that one of the conditions stated above does not apply or you cannot guarantee them, then you will be liable in full for all personnel and other costs already borne by ASP in relation to that property/project.
- If at any point after the sale and marketing process has begun it turns out that one of the conditions stated above does not apply or cannot be guaranteed, then in addition to our costs you will also be liable to damage payments of 2% of the asking price of the property / project in question. You do not have a legal right to contest these payments in court.
- If ASP succeeds in finding a buyer for a property and the said property is not available for any reason whatsoever, then you will be obliged to pay ASP compensation for the forfeited broker’s commission to the value of 5% of the respective selling price (plus applicable VAT). You do not have a legal right to contest these payments in court. You are also liable for any damage claims or other liabilities which the buyer and/or seller of the property at hand may direct towards ASP as a result of information provided by you and ASP shall be indemnified.
All the employees, expert brokers and property brokers at ASPI AG and its affiliated companies work for every customer without regard to personal factors, company affiliation, gender, religion or membership of a particular institute. Respectability, discretion, and professionalism are our basic principles. Trust is of the utmost importance in our line of work.